
Selective Hearing

Sorry I can’t hear you. Decades of drums in my eardrums have damaged my auditory nerve endings beyond recognition. Hearing aids help, but they’re being repaired. So for the next few days if you’re talking… Read More »Selective Hearing

Emotional Rescue

Not the song. Your need. If you’re feeling down, feeling guilty about it, and now feeling worse, just know that’s the enemy’s goal. He loves to see you down. Depression begets depression. We get bummed… Read More »Emotional Rescue

Lois is 70!

She doesn’t mind me saying it. She’s owning it. She’s earned it. She’s living a life worthy of celebrating! Especially by me. I’ve had a front row seat for two thirds of it. She’s steady,… Read More »Lois is 70!


How’s yours? However it is, it’s limited. Both in quality and quantity. So much is out of our control. Take what is under your control and make the most of it. Yeah, enjoy the moment.

Chipless and Clueless

First world problem of the week: The chipless card. We got a new checking account. We have temporary cards. They have no chip. They’re chipless. I’m clueless. Now when we pay for gas, we have… Read More »Chipless and Clueless

Does That Make Sense?

It falls under the category of “auto-speak.” Meaningless words spoken by reflex. Made famous by “And um,” and “Y’ know,” the habitual phrase, “Does that make sense” is used in various forms, including, ““You know… Read More »Does That Make Sense?

Love the Haters

  We love to call out haters. “Don’t hate.” “Haters gonna hate.” And my favorite, “Jesus didn’t teach hate.” Nobody thinks they hate. It’s always someone else. One person’s opinion is another person’s “hate.” Even… Read More »Love the Haters