I Love the Way You Hold Me.


You’ve filled your calendar. There’s very little breathing room. It’s all good things, but you’re maxed out. You’re depleted.

Stop. In the name of love.

God loves you and wants the best for you. He also wants you at your best. If you’re routinely exhausted, you can’t serve at maximum potential.

It’s easy to feel like it’s all up to us. If we don’t do it, it won’t get done. Urgency hits, and next thing you know, urgency becomes anxiety.

Saying “no” isn’t a sin. There are enough times we have to say “yes.” Leave room for options. Sometimes saying “no” is best for everyone.

Saying “no” to something is saying yes to something else. Like rest. Family time. Hobbies. Whatever’s on your plate, do inventory. What could wait, be delegated, or go away entirely?

However chaotic it gets, God is holding you.

He won’t let you go.