Emotional Rescue

Not the song. Your need.

If you’re feeling down, feeling guilty about it, and now feeling worse, just know that’s the enemy’s goal. He loves to see you down. Depression begets depression. We get bummed out, we talk about it, and we spiral.

Nobody says you can’t have a bad day. Don’t live there. Turn it around. Look for something to be grateful for! Ask God to show you ways to get your mind out of the gutter. Walk. Nap. Text a friend. Work on a project. There’s nothing like productivity to pick you up.

Your emotions are a part of who you are. Don’t attach “shouldn’t” to them. Emotional struggle signals a need. Take time to examine what it might be. You may just be exhausted.

Give yourself some love. God said “rest” for a reason. He knows what’s best for us because he loves us!

He comes to our emotional rescue!