Lois is 70!

She doesn’t mind me saying it. She’s owning it. She’s earned it. She’s living a life worthy of celebrating! Especially by me. I’ve had a front row seat for two thirds of it.

She’s steady, confident and smart. She doesn’t worry. Not to say she doesn’t hurt or she’s not concerned. She just doesn’t let it burden her. She keeps things in perspective. She knows God is over everything, and it shows.

She’s talented. She can cook, clean, knit, organize, do a budget, build things, fix things, and remember passwords. She’s strong. She’s had like a dozen surgeries and never gets scared. She loves our family, babies, cats, politics, books, and she’s nuts about our grand kids.

She’s punctual. In fact she’s early for everything. We once missed a flight by about a minute and she nearly lost her Christianity. She’s never let it happen again. Now, if we have a 2pm flight on Friday, we arrive Thursday morning.

She’s a committed conservative. She’s an unashamedly devout holder of traditional values. She doesn’t cry often, but will tear up at the song “I’m Proud to Be an American.”

She’s not a Beatles fan per say, but she likes their hits, and is patient with my addiction. She’s a baseball fan in that she, like me, was raised in the Big Red Machine country of Cincinnati, and she, like many, likes the Rangers when they win.

She’s supportive of me to a fault. I’ve had so many outrageous projects, it’s arguably certifiable. Everything from musical theater to playing in a rock band. Everything from writing a book to finishing my degree in 43 years. From changing from a “normal” job to a job in radio.

She defines faithfulness.

She’s patient with me. She allows me to be myself, even when I practice no logic. She tries to understand, and she’s good with advice. I try to listen when she offers it. She fills my gaps. I like to think I fill hers in some small way, because I am so gosh darn fun.

Most of all she loves Jesus. She’s not loud about it, and that would be fine, but that’s not her. She’s solid, consistent, and confident in who she is in the Lord. She genuinely trusts Him.

I’ve been anticipating this day for a long time, and it’s a pretty big deal. My Lovely Wife and Life Partner Lois is turning 70.

Oh, and did I mention? She’s still gorgeous!

Happy birthday, Bun! I love you!