Things I Like About 62

It’s only hours away. I’m giddy with excitement. Birthdays are always fun, but this one just could be the best one ever.

I did a little reading, and it turns out some pretty cool stuff happens when you’re 62.

When you’re 62:

*You qualify for Social Security! I’ve hardly ever qualified for anything before, so this is pretty awesome. I’m going to have to do some more reading and find out just what the heck it is.

*If you play all your “Senior Discounts” right, you can actually make a living.

* says I should have about $800,000 saved. I find that pretty hilarious.

*You’ve now reached the point where you’re truly smarter than you think you are. Or is it the other way around? Either way, it’s a big accomplishment.

*The response “I didn’t hear you” now passes for an excuse 100% of the time.

*The increasing frequency in which people ask, “Can I help you up?”

* You are no longer expected to respect your elders, as there are so few left.

*Driving for miles with your turn signal on is not only allowed, but encouraged.

*When the doctor asks your height, you tell him how tall you “used to be”.

*You’ve officially surpassed dirt chronologically.

* The circle of life is complete. It is again entirely acceptable to say “groovy”.

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