Time Away

The weekly routine is loud and consuming. The quiet moments are welcomed, but rare and hard to attain.

We are very, very busy. That’s good! We’re grateful for jobs, families, relationships and responsibilities making our lives rich and productive.

But God built into us a need for downtime. Some of us have real trouble here. We struggle to take even a brief respite for prayer and quiet reflection.

It’s within our power to capture this breathing space for ourselves. There will always be things to do. But we must proactively take a hiatus from the grind.

Balance is a good word, but it’s not necessarily even applicable here. All you need is one day of rest against 6 days of work. Most of us wrestle managing it.

Take a break. Build it into your calendar. Schedule it. Prioritize it. Follow God’s example and loving command.

Take a Sabbath.