Last Minute Shopping

This is how impaired I am. I actually choose to take a day just before Christmas to face the traffic, the long lines, and observe the culture.

I saw beautiful decorations, festive costumes, fun toys, and cute kids.

But here are a couple “gifts” I found. This is where it got “interesting.”

Profanity socks – Multiple themes; food, cartoons, sports, and many desperate attempts at humor, using words we never would’ve used in front of our grandma, yet now sadly commonplace.

Marriage-bashing T-shirt – Just a joke, right? But my guess is the woman wearing an “I Apologize for My Husband” shirt may not love her spouse wearing an “I Apologize for My Wife” shirt.

Bad attitude mugs – Colorful, decorative, mugs adorned with a skull and crossbones, and the anti-inspirational message “Do I look like I Care?”

No. You don’t.

How about let’s make an effort to see the good, speak the good, and do the good? It’s easy to understand, but perhaps counter-intuitive. An idle mind’s MO is negative. Let’s turn that around.

Let’s set our minds on things above!

Colossians 3:2