Good thing there’s grace.

Hard as I try to follow Jesus, I can’t do it right.

Good thing there’s grace.

Ask anyone. If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen me behave poorly. Lois could attest. My kids? Don’t even get them started! My coworkers might even say amen. (Co-workers: Please don’t.)


This isn’t a self-bash-fest. It’s all of us. Any goodness you see in you and me is only because God granted it. In fact, he’s done some pretty cool things through you and me. But it’s Him.

We all sin. God said so. Only Jesus gives us worth. You think you earned those pretty eyes or smart brain? It was a gift! But “He gives and takes away…” He’s in charge. So I bow.

We try to do right, with some success. But it’s so temporary. I can give to orphans today, and flip off a bad driver tomorrow. I’m so stinking finite.

Yeah. You are too.

Max Lucado said, “Legalism is Jesus plus___.” Fill in the blank. We try to help Him by adding one thing. Jesus plus church, Jesus plus baptism, Jesus plus evangelism, Jesus plus praying to Mary.

Maybe you’re a little holier than most by not doing things. You don’t cuss, drink, chew, or go with drummers who do. Some of us are pretty good with rules.

But we’re not that dang good.

Our efforts are noble and admirable. But it’s all Him. And it’s only in Him we can find true hope, joy, and peace. Everything else is created. Go to the creator.

“Lord, where else can we go? You have the words of life.”

John 6:68