More Than a Feeling.


More than a song, too. Everybody’s Got a Thing. Take a walk through your neighborhood, church, work, or home. Everybody’s got issues. From a lost phone to a terminal disease. We’ve all got them.

We know in our brains other people have problems, but we’re not thinking about those right now. No. Those same brains are thinking about OUR problems. Our money. Our relationships. Our hair.

It’s a given. We’re all in one quandary or another. Some big, some small. But they all seem big when they’re ours. MY kids. MY job. MY feelings. The wart on MY butt. (No names, please.)


Difficulties are often out of our control. What we can control is our reaction. We can count our blessings. They’re great! When we do, we find they likely outnumber our worries, anyway.

Whatever our thing, we can choose joy. It’s a decision. It’s an attitude. It’s not a feeling.

It’s more than a feeling!


We can “count it all joy!” James 1:2