Does This Look Like Your Thanksgiving?

We want it to be perfect. Sorry, it can’t be. Some of your people are gone. Some just aren’t coming. Some with good reason. Others?
Sadly, as delightful as you are, not everyone thinks so. What’s wrong with these people?
Your core loved ones are still on board. But some think of you as “the parents” or the “in-laws,” or disdainfully as “my family.” They think you’re out to lunch. After all, you still talk about land lines.
You didn’t want to be that person. It wasn’t always this way. You used to speak and everyone listened. You were the top dog. But that ship has sailed. Boy, who saw that coming?
If you have issues to discuss, don’t. It will probably be taken out of context. Want credit for all the years you spent trying to do the right thing? Don’t expect a Nobel Prize. God knows. Let it be.
Your opinion went out with disco, so just talk to God about it. It’s for the best. He’ll always listen to your brilliant point of view.
But all is not lost. It’s Thanksgiving! Take the high road. Listen, love, smile, compliment, forgive, laugh. Tell bad jokes. Laugh at bad jokes. Give the benefit of the doubt. Don’t be defensive. Be grateful.
Be like Jesus. And count it all joy!
Be thankful that even in the misunderstandings, and the generational chasms, and even the hurt, the Lord is over it all and offers unconditional love to all. And He’s always available.
And hold on to those loved ones who still think you’re swell. (And you are.) And they are too. So, tell them. Because remember, you’re going to need them someday.
Heck, I need ‘em right now.