Damage Assessment

We’ve all been hurt.

We were raised by somebody. They were humans raised by humans. They did some things well, others poorly. They made errors of neglect, abuse, oversight, or something else. All failed somehow.

What about us? We’ve also done some things well, and failed at others. Our human nature and self-justification are quick to dispense blame. Our problems must have origins, right?

Enter the Care Givers.

Perhaps they did terrible things, or just nursed their own wounds at the expense of yours. Somewhere they fell short.

We could each point to a deep-rooted deficiency, issue blame, and then live there. We thereby release ourselves of responsibility because of what that person did.

Easy target. (A frequent one, too.)

Address it, or be mired in unforgiveness, bitterness, or profound sadness.

Nobody wants that.

This doesn’t diminish your hurt. It’s real. So what now? We’re flawed humans damaged by flawed humans. We can’t change the past. We can’t change people. We can, however, be accountable for our thoughts and actions.

Assess the damage. Don’t blame. Seek help. Take your time. Forgive.

And give it to Him.