How Bad Does it Hurt?

You’ve suffered a loss. There’s nothing you can do about it. You pray, and that helps. But the situation doesn’t change. The pain comes back. Day after day. Month after month.

Year after year? Yes.

Time dulls some of the intensity, but the emptiness remains. You talk to your spouse, your kids, your friends, a pastor, a counselor, but you run out of words. What else can be said? You don’t want to wear them out or drive them away repeating the same problem.

So you cope. Hopefully productively. Worship. Work. Exercise. Healthy relationships. But in the quietness of your bed, when it’s just you and God, the silence can be deafening.

Loved ones and preachers share all the well-meaning truths. “God hears your prayers.” “He’ll never leave you.” “He’s at work even now.” No doubt. But a new possibility occurred to me today.

Perhaps God has you on assignment. Maybe He’s given you a project, one like nobody else has. He’s allowing you to show others what He can do through you!

You’ve been given a chance to show that even in the throes of your devastating situation, you can still exude joy. You can still be generous. You can still laugh. You can still love.

What a dynamic and impacting illustration of God at work, when he can shine through a person in the most dire circumstances. He can show His glory through you!

How bad does it hurt? Really bad. But no pain can match the power of Jesus.

And you can face another day!