But I’m a Nice Person!


Really? (Everybody thinks they’re a nice person.)

Many dub “nice” as the premier attribute. The gold standard. Sure, it’s important. But nobody’s nice all the time.

Ray Barone from the 90s sit-com “Everybody Loves Raymond” misquoted Jesus when he said “Blessed are the nice.”

Nice according to who? Nice is nice, but it falls short by Bible standards. Jesus: “No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Some charge “The Bible isn’t very inclusive.” First, it’s available to everyone, even the people you don’t like. Second, I need a foundation, a measuring stick, or I’ll get stuck in my own ego.

“Don’t judge me.” We can all get defensive when questioned about our choices. A human “judge” may be out of line, but we still need wisdom and discernment. Not just my word against yours.

We need a referee with a striped shirt and a whistle. Somebody to hold us accountable. Otherwise it’s one big goat rodeo.


Do we actually believe we have the intelligence, insight, and integrity to properly navigate life’s perils and complications on our own? We’re finite! We have limits! We’re born with a selfish nature.

We don’t have the capacity to dictate, legislate, or even communicate the right path individually or culturally. We can’t even adhere to our own convictions consistently.

We need a baseline.

“In the beginning, God…”

He’s the creator of everything who gave us a way to abundant life through Jesus. He’s the way to peace, love, and joy. Not a perfect life, but one that ascends above the frailties and foibles of daily living.

Ask Him to forgive your omission of Him, or for not starting your thoughts, plans, and actions with Him. Repentance is the doorway to all the things He has in store for us. He has a better way!

He IS the way!

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