The mood is dark, but the future is bright.

I don’t know what causes mood swings. Nobody wants them; few people admit to them. They’re usually “other people.”

I was having one. It was a cutting comment a well-meaning listener made, a lack of sleep, or some other biorhythmic malfunction. I don’t know. I know I was in a funk. And whatever it was caused me to focus on all my faux pas rather than my blessings. And it lasted too long.

Somehow, I got the strength to confess, “I know I’m not always going to feel this way. God help me out of this psychological sludge.”

I know it doesn’t always happen this way, but it was mere minutes and I heard a song. It happened to be Toby Mac’s “Nothin’ Sweeter.”

“There ain’t nothin’ sweeter than His love.”


But it could have been anything. It could have been a glance at the sky. A picture of my grandkids. A kind text from a friend. A kiss from Lois. A Nate Bargatze joke.

But I’m convinced He would have done something.

He always does.

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