Change the World

Popped in 7-11 for coffee. $1.96. I gave the lady two dollars. I’m about to tell her to “keep it.”

In my hesitancy, she decided for me,

“You’re good.”

Huh? Momentarily dumbfounded. Wait. In another universe, aren’t I “good” if I’m a few pennies short? But no, I slightly overpaid. She just thought it best for everybody concerned if I rounded up.

Unprecedented. So, she’s actually doing me a favor by keeping my change? My brain is slow to process this new math. I just smiled, nodded, and stumbled away rubbing my forehead.

“Don’t quibble over a few pennies,” you say. “But I like quibbling,” I say. “It’s just four cents” you say. “Yeah, but what does that add up to in a year?” I say. “About 14 bucks,” you say.

Okay. I won’t quibble.

Can I nitpick?

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