Who Prays?

Do you? How? It’s hard!

I am a professional non-pray-er. I spend most of my time not praying. Oh, I pray. But it’s microscopic compared to the amount of time I don’t pray. So I had to do something.

I started small. I tried something new. 5 minutes a day. First part of the morning. In my head, it has to be scheduled or I’ll forget. So, an app reminds me.

Also in my head, it has to be structured. At least at first. So, I spend the first minute praying for the world. 8 million people! Mind blown. God knows them all. Lord, please speak to them. Suddenly I realize I’m talking to the creator for everybody in the world!

Again. Mind blown.

The second minute I pray for the country. Over 332 million people. Lots to cover. So many issues. Concerns. Divisions. Lord, please speak to us all and heal the hurts in the USA. Direct our leaders. God knows all about it and has it handled.


Then my community. Almost 2 million people in East Texas. Thank you, Lord for our largely Christian culture. I’m reminded how many people listen to KVNE. I ask God to speak through the radio and draw them close to Him. Please guide us to do your will.


Even closer to home is my family. My kids, their spouses, and my grand kids. Oh Lord my grand kids. What an enormous blessing. My sibs. Their families. I’ve been given such favor. And my Lovely Wife and Life Partner Lois. What a gift!

Almost beyond belief.

Finally, me. Where to start? I could list my problems, and often do, and the theme is usually “fix it.” “Fix me.” But it comes down to strength and wisdom. Boy, I can’t get enough of that.

And gratitude.

Maybe you’ve struggled to stay current with God through prayer. Maybe this will help!

I pray other times too. But it’s fleeting. Spur of the moment. Brief. Often desperate. But these 5 minutes, which often goes overtime to six, even seven, (!) has been a life changer. Who knows what might happen?

I just might become a “praying man!”

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