Men Without Hats


What’s the deal with guys with hats? Everywhere. Nothing wrong with hats. But I must be missing something. The hats are very popular.

I recently walked into nearly empty airport at 2:30 A.M. Dozens of people, families, couples, standing around the gate, sitting on their luggage, laying across multiple chairs, waiting for the gate to open, and every guy was wearing a hat. Every. Single. One. Probably 30 guys. Young, old, white, black, Hispanic, Asian. All with hats. What are the odds? I thought maybe I was at the wrong gate. I looked at my ticket. Nothing about hats.

Finally an old overweight white guy walked in with his wife. Bald as a pumpkin. No hat. He went to the front of the group and said, “You all were here ahead of me, but we might as well step up to the desk and line up at the queue.” No takers. So he paused a moment, shrugged his shoulders, and went right up to the front. I thought, “I’m listening to this guy.” So followed him, gladly taking my place as second in line. Slowly, the cluster of hat people brought up the rear.



No hats beats hats.