Extreme Foundational Makeover


Your days are up and down. Your mood? Circumstantial.

Ever you?

Don’t forget! Everybody hurts. EVERYBODY. Real or imagined, our minds beat us up. We see others. “How is she always so together?” She’s not. She’s learning to cope, just like you.

Life’s complicated. But there’s help! Your spouse? Friend? Pastor? Heavens, no! They’re great and we’re grateful. But sometimes, we’re all dimwits, saved by grace, working it out together!

Some go it alone. “I can handle it.” No, you can’t. You’re having a good week, but something’s coming. Count on it. You need a rock, a foundation for your heart, soul, and brain.

We’re limited. But Jesus offers endless grace and comfort! Crazy how I can be in an agonizing situation, remember Him, and peace eventually comes. Joy in the dregs. A miracle!

The place to go. The perfect foundation.

Now. Move that bus!