Smiling Eyes


A 65 year old man waited the counter at Arby’s. He smiled and greeted me. I placed my order and as he worked, he asked questions, offered ketchup, and made friendly small talk. I got my food within minutes and he thanked me for coming.

A 25 year old waitress greeted us at a fine restaurant, took our drink order, and returned promptly to take our meal order. Our food arrived quickly, she checked in often, and filled our drinks. She soon brought our check and thanked us for coming.

These two scenarios seem very similar and they are. Both included quick, quality service. The difference between the senior at Arby’s and the young waitress?

Eye contact.

The fast food counter employee was engaging and genuine. As he spoke, he looked me in the eye. The young lady, while doing a good job, appeared distant and unattached. She never looked at either of us. He seemed to care. She seemed to care less.

So much can be said without saying a word. Simply looking at someone as you speak can make the difference between a making a difference and just making noise.