
“To remain stable or continue in a place. To remain in a state.”

“Continue without fading or being lost. Live. Dwell.”

It was 37 years ago this month I made my profession of faith. I had no idea of the implications. While I know accepting Jesus changed my eternity, I’ve learned daily life here is a process of growing in Jesus.

Weaning off spiritual milk to meat doesn’t happen automatically. Much seeking is required. Consistently prioritizing Him is critical, as is learning from both failures and successes.

What I’m learning, and maybe you are, too, is we never fully arrive spiritually while we live on earth. There’s always more to learn. No matter how deep we go, we keep seeking Him.

There are too many distractions, opportunities to stray, and moments in the day for us to default to auto-pilot. Our intentional emphasis on God as He pertains to absolutely everything is essential.

If I’m going to get the most out of my relationship with Christ and become like Him, I can’t just know it. I can’t just talk about it. I can’t even just believe it. I have to live it.

All the time.