Speak Life

Recently my daughter-in-law was challenged by her sister during a time of grieving the loss of their dad.

“Speak life.”

It tested me, too. Especially during difficulties, it’s easy to see the bad and fall into self-pity.
Lean into God’s word for an “attitude indicator.”

Multiple Bible passages talk about our attitude, as in having “the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:16) “What you say flows from your heart.” (Luke 6:45) And “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2)

When tough times inevitably come, don’t fall into the “me-trap” of focusing on problems, speaking ill of others, or nursing a pessimistic view.

Even when it seems hopeless, speak life! God will show up in ways you didn’t expect, and get you through better than you imagined!

He makes all things possible!