When we go to church, it’s a good first step in showing our love for God. But the Bible instructs us to praise and worship Him. Here’s our opportunity!
Praise is defined, “express warm approval or admiration.” Worship: “express reverence or adoration.”
Notice both definitions include the word “express.” So what does it mean to express?
Express: “definitely stated. Not merely implied.”
So, when the music plays, are we “definitely stating” our praise? Or is our worship “merely implied?” If we walk in late, merely observe, or otherwise take the praise and worship segment lightly, it not only hinders our church experience, but it does a disservice to God.
How we express it is different. Whether you’re demonstrative or reserved, don’t blow it off. God wants our hearts. Don’t let opportunities to praise and worship Him pass!
“Draw near to God, and He’ll draw near to you.” – James