Live? Or Memorex?


Everything’s being recorded. Whether it’s Christmas, a ball game, a concert, you name it. Phones are up. Get it on video! Capture the moment so you can watch it again and again. It’s a peculiar sign of the times. We miss stuff so we can watch it later.

But we’re not really watching it.

We may post it for others to watch, but few do. Anything over ten seconds is longer than anyone’s willing to invest in your big deal. We mean well, but we’re just more interested in our big deal than your big deal.

Sometimes we’ll “share” your big deal, just to show we care. It’s a Care Share. But we’re not actually watching it. And sadly, “shared” videos get even fewer views than the real ones.

And yet, we continue to record everything. Because everyone knows the second time on video is better than the first time live. (Right? …I think? I can’t even tell what’s live anymore.)

Even… this moment.

Good thing I videoed it.

Ps 118:24