Best Christmas


When was your best Christmas? How do you measure it? We all wish each other a “merry” one. So, what makes it merry?

What happens? Do you get everything you want? Not just stuff, but your plans and hopes. Did they fall through? Does that make it “less merry?”

If you count on circumstances, count on disappointment. The only true joy comes from a relationship with God.

Sound cliché? Heard it all before? Tell that to my friend who has cancer, yet thanks God for his many blessings. Or how about the widow who lost her husband right before Christmas? In the middle of her grief, she smiles because she knows He’s good and He’s with her.

Or I can tell you about the pain of severed relationships with loved ones. But I’ve decided to follow Jesus. I love God, I know God loves me, and in the end he’ll work all things for good.

We’ve all got trouble. No exceptions. Notice how some are joyful anyway? It doesn’t happen naturally. It only happens with God as our source. He makes all things new! Look to Him!

And have the best Christmas!