I’m the Best Driver


“These people don’t know how to drive!”

“There’s a lot of crazies on the road.”

“Me? I’m not speeding. I’m just going with the flow of traffic.”

We are seldom as full of ourselves as when we’re driving. Somehow we think we’re the only ones who know what we’re doing. We act like we’re beyond making mistakes.

“Don’t think of yourself more highly than you ought.”

Paul was on to something when we wrote it to the Romans. It applies to all areas of living, but especially our driving. We spend so much time doing it, our familiarity becomes haughtiness, and a detriment to safety.

Our pride will come before our fall.

Self-preservation makes us quick to point blame. But in our over-confidence, we’ll inevitably reap what we sow. We’re flirting with disaster. No one is without sin, but we love to cast the first stone.

Top 5 Stones Thrown:

5. “Come on! Are you going to change lanes or wind your watch?”

4. “What are you waiting for? Christmas? Light’s green!”

3. “I’ll show you. I’ll flash my brights and honk my horn.”

2. “Get out of the passing lane!” (translated: “My” lane.)

1. “XXX!!!???###”

(That last one might have been a Christian.)

Gentle reminder: “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled.”

Even the best driver.