No Worries


I took a long vacation. A vacation not only of the job but of the mind. The goal?

“Don’t worry.”

One thing I tried not to worry about was money and work. Wait, that’s two things. And family. Okay, I tried not to worry about a few things.

Jesus is teaching me about worry. After spending extra time with Him, it turns out when I’m focusing on, reading about, or praying to Him, there’s no vacancy in my brain for worry!

Ya think???

I can’t read the Bible and pray 24/7. So when I don’t, help me remember He’s still with me. Even now! And He loves me despite my lazy habits and selfish thoughts and grumpy attitudes and run-on sentences. That head knowledge is fantastic! Lord let it drip down into my heart.

I just read over this post and briefly forgot about Jesus. Checking…Yep! Still here!

No Worries!