Shake it Up at Church


Been doing the same church “routine” forever? It happens as we get old. Sorry, but you’re in a rut.

“But this way works. Why change?”

How about “Why not?”

Nothing radical, immoral, or illegal, just little “adjustments” nobody saw coming.

Like this week, dress entirely differently. If you usually dress up, un-tuck. If you’re typically casual, put on a tie.

Someone will comment, but just roll with it. No reasons. Just own it.

If you always sit in the same seat, move! Watch their faces. It’s priceless. (Careful. Some churches will kick you out for this.)

If your church never shouts “Amen!”, do it! You’ve done nothing wrong. You’re just being supportive. Not in an annoying way. Just do it once. If they always say “Amen,” say “YESSS!!!” What could happen? They’ll do a double-take, and it’s over.

Warning: If your spouse isn’t into it, disregard. No sense getting into trouble at home.

Just make it subtle. Push your boundaries. Get there early. Make it interesting. Shake it up. It’s just enough of a rush, it may reignite you!

And if you get kicked out, call me. I’ll vouch for you.