Good Day Sunshine

Here we are on the cusp of Summer! Summer is such a unique season with a million connotations. For kids, it’s freedom. For families, it’s a new schedule. For Texas, it’s just so crazy hot! For everybody, it’s potential for greatness. It’s a season custom-made for good times and wonderful memories!

Think back to a favorite summer. What was it that made it memorable? Likely it was somewhere you went, someone you were with, or both.

We’re given a finite number of summers. Even fewer while the kids are still at home. But regardless of our season in life, Summer 2021 can be our best ever!

This year, take time to plan for an awesome summer. It won’t just happen. You have to put it into motion. Include it in your budget. Carve it into your calendar.

We can’t control the future. But we can live today like we love it. And if we’re blessed with tomorrow, we can love that too!

What better time to love our todays than when school is out, the sun is out, and we’re out making the most of it!

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” – Jesus.