Baseball is Still a Wondrous Thing


Despite what you may have heard, baseball is still awesome.

After much anticipation and expense, we attended our first Rangers game in over a year. The new stadium is glorious!

There were however, some drawbacks. Early birds? No parking until 4:30. Mask police? Large and in charge. Bags? No bigger than your head. Souvenirs? No cash.

How about fun? Can we still have that? I started to wonder if I needed a vaccine to have fun.

But when we finally reached our seats, heard the tiny kid on the giant screen yell, “Play ball!”, watched the players run onto the field, and we all stood for the national anthem, I remembered why this game is so great.

And when the young mom next to us took the picture of her beaming husband and toddler son on his shoulders, it all came rushing back.

Baseball’s image has been tarnished of late, but as long as athletes can put on a glove and pick up a bat and play, this game will always be a beautiful sight to behold.

Especially in person.