TV Time (or not)

If you were a kid in the 60s, 70s, or 80s, TV was huge. It’s where we turned for appointment entertainment and information. Network TV, and then cable. It was our daily habit.

It used to be so easy. Three channels and UHF. Cable brought hundreds of options. Still, it was a finite number. Now, it’s complicated. Thousands of channels, dozens of platforms, multiple remotes, and a bachelor’s degree minimum.

Our cable network is daily and randomly recording shows we’ve never heard of, all for eventual deletion. No one knows why. Kardashian’s Worst Break-Ups. Ex-Con Funny Cars. Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Kitchen Clash. We’re deleting dozens of shows daily like trash emails.

YouTube, Hulu, Fubu, PooPoo. Okay, I made that up. Too many choices. Too many shows. Shows about everything. Shows about shows. My grand-kids watch shows of other people watching shows. (Just reading that sentence makes my brain hot.)

Eventually we won’t have time to watch anything because we’ll all have our own shows. So let’s make a deal.

I’ll delete yours if you’ll delete mine.

Making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:16