Food Snobs

Maybe you have no choice. Maybe it’s health restrictions. If so, stop reading.

Or maybe you’re a Food Snob. Or just eager to see what I’m going to say about them.

Is this you?

1) The Non-Repeater.

“Chicken?!! I had chicken yesterday!”

I see your dilemma.

Yesterday you loved chicken. MMM CHICKEN! Whoop up a heapin’ helpin’ of chickeny deliciousness! My favorite!

Today? Chicken: Your Worst Nightmare. A chicken “pox”, if you will. “How can I eat chicken two days in a row?”

Your mom mentioned starving kids in China. Secondly, there’s a DJ/drummer who’d love your chicken. Somehow I’ve developed this amazing talent of eating identical foods twice in 24 hours.

2) The Restaurant Diva.

“Can I substitute veggies for potatoes?” “Will I be charged for the roll if I don’t eat it?” “Is this coffee mountain grown?”

Offended? I kid. But perhaps it’s no crisis if your burger isn’t “grass fed”.

Well, the Food Snobs have left by now!

That just leaves us. Indifferent to Coke or Pepsi, regular fries or curly, or if the bread was baked this morning.

Just give us the #1, thanks. Whatever that is.

And are you gonna eat that roll?