Take This Job and Love It!

There was a guy at GM Shreveport in the 80’s who thought it was funny to come up behind you and yell “WHUT’RE YOO DOIN’?”

I hated that guy.

I know that’s wrong. I now simply recall him with some disdain, knowing God loves him and I should too. Conveniently, I haven’t seen him in 30 years.

These days I look back on his annoying bellow and consider. What indeed, AM I doing? Am I making it count? Do I appreciate it? Do I in fact know what the heck I’m doing?

How about you? What are you doing? Your job? Are you making the most of it? Are you taking care of yourself to be your best? Ask God for help to shine His light, so they’ll see your good deeds and praise Him?

It’s easy to fall into a routine and take the days for granted. Each one’s a gift. The Bible says number them in order to gain wisdom!

Tomorrow, when you go to your place of responsibility, take it seriously. You’re helping somebody! Somebody is counting on you!

Thank God for it. Do your best!

Take your job and love it!