Coffee is Still Okay (and it’s awesome)


You’re addicted to coffee. You know it. Everybody knows it. Don’t feel bad. So far they haven’t found anything wrong with it. They’ll try. But it’s still not harmful. It’s still not immoral.

And it’s still legal.

Study after study, they keep looking. But as of today there’s no impropriety on the precious bean.

Just know somebody who’s mad at life will try to find some scandal about how coffee is a slippery slope to sin or hurts the economy.

“Real Christians depend on Jesus, not Starbucks.” Stand strong. These people can’t even live up to their own standards. You love it and it loves you. Without it you’re not as smart, not as nice, and not as handsome. You need it. It’s fine.

You don’t need it at night. By this time coffee’s work is through. You can settle for tea or some other weaker beverage claiming it can do what coffee does, but doesn’t even comes close.

Coffee is strong. Coffee rules. You love it, you want it, and it works.

So lighten up, coffee skeptics. The bible says a merry heart is like a good medicine.

(And coffee can’t hurt.)