Your Pants are on Backwards.


Every April Fools Day I come to work with my pants on backwards. No reason, other than a laugh. I mean, how ridiculous, really? Can you imagine wearing your pants backwards? Me neither. But once a year, I do it.

What’s funny is people often don’t even notice the pant faux pas. It’s only after a delayed double take some Captain Obvious will make the brilliant observation. “Hey… Are your pants… BACKWARDS?”

It just shows to go you. We can look like we’ve got it all together. At first glance? “Nice outfit!” Cool, calm, and collected. But upon further inspection… “Waaaiiit a SECOND!”

Just like those who love to express their opinions strongly, or make sure you know they’re right, or continually tell you everything they know and who they know. “Let me tell you what I know about everything for the next hour and a half.”

Check closely. Behind all the bravado, there’s a good chance…

His pants are on backwards.