July 2020

HELP! I need somebody!

  The violence in big cities is tragic. Week after week we see communities in flames. Many of their leaders have been offered law enforcement help, but have refused it. They allow the danger, destruction,… Read More »HELP! I need somebody!

MyPillow Talk

  The MyPillow Guy is a great humanitarian. He’s involved in lots of charity work and Christian causes. He’s also branching out. He’s now so much more than pillows. He sells sheets, mattresses, towels and… Read More »MyPillow Talk

Soak it Up!

  Your wedding day. Your graduation. Your son or daughter’s baptism. The birth of your first grandchild. These are great examples of major life events! It was during one of these momentous occasions of celebration… Read More »Soak it Up!

Insult to Injury

It was July 11, 1970, 50 years ago today. It was a Saturday morning and Stacey Storage little league team had a baseball game at White Oak Jr. High in Cincinnati. We ran out onto… Read More »Insult to Injury