God, Please Give Me Tech Savvy

Many people claim to be “technically challenged”.

Please. You’re talking to the Super Bowl champ of the challenged.

I can function on a system already set up and do routine tasks, but I not only don’t understand the premise of how a website works, or 99% of anything else having to do with a computer, I get so frustrated with the road blocks (and there are millions), I lose my ability to think clearly on things I do understand. I once tried to update my site, ran into a brick wall, blew up my graphics, and forgot my wife’s name.

It’s that bad.

Some say I’m “speaking it into being”. There is a spiritual level of truth to this premise. The problem is, I’ve tried not speaking it, not thinking it, speaking the opposite, thinking the opposite, and the result is the same. When I try to fix something, I break something.

I don’t want sympathy. I want a brain that can work on a laptop.

God can do anything. Maybe He’ll choose to transform my mind into one that can have a conversation about 21st century technology. Maybe He won’t. I hope He will.

If He doesn’t, I’ll back to my yellow pad and snail mail.