Week Without Wifi II

For all its blessings, the Christmas holiday was marked by one notable challenge. No internet.

It’s easy to think, “probably better off”. Yes, it’s easy if it’s somebody else. But when it’s you, you definitely feel the change in routine.

No Alexa, no You Tube. No Google, no Facebook. It comes up.

No big deal, right?

How about no email, no twitter, no texting, no streaming?

Want some cheese with that whine?

Take this. No TV, no radio. No electric lights, no running water. No transportation, no food, no water, no air, no reason to live.

Okay, perhaps I’m exaggerating. But if you ask a kid, you’d think it’d gotten that bad!

But never fear. By New Year’s Eve, we were back on.

I celebrated by googling Google.

I love a happy ending!