Nevada Politician: “The American People Are Done Listening to Politicians”

Councilman Bill Freeman (Independent) of Elko, Nevada is running for reelection for a fourth term in his city’s 12th precinct on a platform blasting the credibility of politicians.

“The good people of Elko have run out of patience with party politics and mainstream talking points. In fact, the American people are done listening to politicians”, Freeman stated in a press conference.

When a reporter pointed out that in fact he too is a politician, the councilman retorted, “That’s my opponent spouting his agenda with personal attacks”.

The reporter pushed back, “Sir, I understand what you’re trying to say, but with all due respect, you’ve been our city councilman for years. Technically that makes you a politician.”

A befuddled Freeman paused, then blurted, “No more questions!” and hastily dismissed the press conference.