Senior Discount: Love It or Hate It?

About seven years ago My Lovely Wife and Life Partner Lois and I went to the movie theater when I first experienced my moment of truth. There on the admissions sign were the words “Senior Discount 54+”.

Talk about a reality slap in the face! I checked the calendar. The year said 2012. I checked my driver’s license. The year said 1958. I did the math. Oh my gosh. This was really happening.

I qualified.

After the initial shock, I moved straight into denial. “Senior citizen doesn’t start until 65!” I said. That’s got to be a misprint!” I said. “Where are my glasses?” I said.

They were on my face.

It was at this harsh realization that I simultaneously discovered the potential advantages of the golden culture. “Hey! These guys are saving me money!”

Yes, some arbitrarily call 54 old enough, others deem 55 as senior status. Still others make you wait until 60, or 62. But by 65 years of age, across the board, you are pretty much a lifetime member in good standing. Eventually, you will get rewarded simply for not dying.

Free coffee? Yes! Half price admission? Sure! 10% off bagels! Absolutely! I don’t even like bagels! Who cares? 10%!

So I’ve learned to embrace it. After all, why look a gift horse in the mouth? (I don’t even know what that means.) A few bucks here and there eventually adds up! And as a bonus, a senior discount takes away some of the sting of the burgeoning eventuality of getting old.

I think they should offer escalating discounts in direct relation to your gray hairs and wrinkles. “Yes sir. Senior discount? Step into the light, please? Oh my! By all means! Let this guy in!”

“No charge!”