Let’s Do The Time Warp Again

Every six months I take the giant Joanna Gaines clock off the wall, change the time, replace the battery, and hoist it back up on the wall. Most clocks change themselves, so this is beginning to feel like such an archaic exercise.

So while I was in a nostalgic mood, I went ahead and made a land line call, sent a fax to nobody in particular, and put an album on the turntable.

I pulled out my old type writer and typed a letter to my favorite brick and mortar store, but I couldn’t remember the address, so I looked it up in the yellow pages, and snail mailed it.

I decided to go to Blockbuster to rent a VHS movie, so I got in my standard transmission car, turned on my AM radio, and stuck my hand out the window to turn left out of my street.

I needed leaded fuel, so I pulled in to a station and waited for the full service guy to come out and pump my gas. But he never came.

Crestfallen, I went home and realized I was two hours late for church.

Because on this “Spring Forward” day, I set the giant Joanna Gaines clock BACK.