10 Travel Tips You May Not Have Heard

1. Never ask the airport security guard where he’s from. Trust me on this.

2. Generally speaking, people at the airport are just there for looking at, not for making friends.

3. You may converse with your hotel desk clerk, but know this. She can’t understand a word you’re saying.

4. When renting a car, get a model that sounds like a dessert coffee, like the “Sienna”, the “Avanti”, or the “Moco”.

5. All other cities’ gas prices are higher than yours.

6. Credit cards can be dangerous when traveling, so avoid them when possible. Unless it’s your work credit card. Then all bets are off. Even Dave Ramsey says so.

7. Call your wife.

8. Souvenirs for family and friends can be costly on the road, but you don’t want to seem cheap, so think gift card.

9. Never mimic the flight attendant while she’s doing her “overhead oxygen” performance. (Again, it’s just what I’ve heard.)

10. Look up from your phone occasionally for cryin’ out loud! You’re in a different city!