Boomers have formed a union: “Boomers United Together Today” (B.U.T.T.)
(Working title. Still word-smithing it.)

Boomers across the country want to retire but fear they can’t because they wonder who’s going to do the work.

Boomers are looking for their phones.

Boomers are unyielding in their firm belief that their music is the best.

Boomers are looking for their glasses.

Boomers’ kids are talking about them behind their backs.

Boomers stopped caring what their kids think about them five years after they left the house.

Boomers have the best perspective on the ills of society today because they remember the 60s.

Boomers long ago changed their minds about saying “I’ll never be like my parents.”

Boomers forget their passwords about twice a week.

Boomer men aren’t afraid to cry. They just don’t want to anymore.

Boomers with grand kids had no idea how fun it would be.

Boomers are easy to get along with. Most can’t hear you.

Boomers tend to be comfortable in who they are.

Boomers like the couch.

Boomers were taught by the “Greatest Generation”, and since most of them are now gone, Boomers want to be called the “Greatest Generation”.

Boomers have more money than you do.

Boomers were raised in the church and have an ingrained sense of love for God and country.

Boomers like Fox News because it’s like talking to their small group.

Boomers aren’t sure if they took their pills.

Boomers can tell if you’re telling the truth by your body language.

Boomers were told their generation was going to hell, but believes millennials are worse.

Boomers can remember their home phone number from 50 years ago.

Boomers can’t remember why they walked into the room.

Boomers are kind of tired.

Boomers know what’s important in life. God, family, and relationships.

Boomers can see the big picture.

Boomers can’t see the ingredients on the label.

There is no “I” in Boomer. That would be Boimer. Or Biomer. Or Boomi’r. And that would just be silly.

Boomers have been around long enough to know how to love.

And why.