Stop What You’re Doing For Ten Seconds

Now think about your day. Your week. Your year so far.

Is there anything burdening you that seems insurmountable?

I’m guessing there’s a good chance there is.

Okay, you may need to stop what you’re doing a few more seconds, because this could be huge.

Whatever your issue, whatever your concern, please know you’re not facing it alone. Certainly God knows what’s up. He’s watching. He’s planning. He’s working things out. He’s not only got a solution to your problem, but it’s also very possible it’s nothing like you’d expect. And as difficult as this can be, you’ve got to trust Him.

You can do this!

There are millions of people who can attest to the fact He’s faithful. Perhaps deep down, you know it, too. We don’t always know what He’s up to, but be assured. He’s up to stuff. He just wants you to believe Him. He’s here. He cares. And He loves you so very much.

These are great reasons to be encouraged!

Not only that, you’ve got people who love you and want the best for you. They don’t want to see you hurting. They care about you. They need you. They need the gifts you bring. They need your love in return. Sometimes the best way to escape loneliness is to reach out to those closest to you, and the best way to shake sadness is to help someone else.

It may seem contrived, but let me urge you to read your Bible and pray. A little or a lot. There may be more reasons than you may realize to be thankful, unless you stop, (for what by now may have been a few minutes) and count your blessings!

And on top of all that, if it helps at all, I’m praying for you, too!