“The Plexiglass Cage For the Overly Responsive”

Some church congregations are more expressive in their worship than others. So for more reserved churches, a new idea has surfaced in California. Introducing “The Plexiglass Cage For The Overly Responsive”.

“Our members can now feel free to lift their hands and raise their voices as much as they like, and not disturb our more reverent brothers and sisters”, said Pastor David Ayres of First Methodist of Salsilito. He added the “PC-OR”, as it’s known, has also come in handy for those who feel led to frequently reply out loud to sermons with “Amen”, “Preach”, and “Mm-Hmm”.

The plexiglass cage fits as many as 8 members, and functions in a similar fashion as the familiar cages many churches use to keep drum volumes to a minimum.

The controversial addition to traditional worship services has met with mixed reaction. A statement from the offices of Hillsong San Francisco calls the cage “innovative”, while in a recent tweet, the pastor of the local First Baptist Church has deemed the cage “Un-Biblical”.

First Methodist’s drummer was unavailable for comment.