Wanna Play Drums? You Can Do It.

Seriously. I’m convinced. It’s just a game. Many books and instructors give the impression it’s some sort of higher level of gifting that very few people are called to. This is so far from the truth.

It’s similar to any other physical activity you encounter. Catching a ball. Tying your shoe. Juggling. It’s just a matter of learning the motions and repeating them. A lot. This is where many people fall off the train. They get tired and decide to play guitar. The problem with this strategy? The guitar is harder!

Make no mistake. Learning drums takes time and effort! You have to want it. But it is very possible for anybody who desires to play drums in a band to do it within a year. Even with a full time job.

My contention is anybody with a couple of basic instructions who sits down to play for five minutes a day can be a card carrying drummer by this time next year. The catch? You have to SIT DOWN! If you sit down to play, you’ll likely play longer than five minutes. Time flies when you’re playing drums!

Oh, and guess what! I have a book explaining the whole thing. How convenient.

Go ahead. It’s five bucks on Amazon, for goodness sake. You’ve got this!

Even better: Click www.dummingfordrummies.com !