Beatle People are People Too

There are two types of people. There are Beatle people, and there are Non-Beatle people. There’s a gray area, but I’m not sure where it is. Most at least acknowledge the Fabs’ place in history. Most can name a hit song. Many can cite a favorite. These are moderate fans. They may see themselves as “reasonable”.

It makes sense. In the broad band of music over six decades, moderates give credit where it’s due. These “balanced” fans were influenced by artists who were influenced by the Beatles. They’re likely younger than those who remember when the group existed. I truly appreciate those born in the post Beatle era, yet who recognize their importance.

When it comes to music, we’re all different. But in many ways we’re actually the same. We all think we have a wide range of musical tastes, and we all think our musical tastes are the best.

Which brings me to the group I’m absolutely baffled by: The Non-Beatle people.

I recently encountered one. If someone doesn’t like a particular style, it’s perfectly understandable. One should not be blamed for one’s opinion. I’ve actually known folks who could take or leave the Beatles who went on to live normal lives.

But while opinions are like belly buttons, closed minds are like prisons. To not even allow the most successful band in rock history a nod for impacting the culture in not only record numbers of chart toppers, but also in fashion, art, and even politics, is in my mind at the very least uninformed and at the very worst pretentious.

On top of all that, to rain on my Beatle parade is certainly one’s prerogative. I just don’t get it, that’s all. If you tell me, “I love pie”, I hope I never say, “Pie? What’s the big deal?” I hope I’d be happy for your affections for pie. I’d like to think I’d celebrate it with you, even if I thought it was overrated. Mmm… pie…

But don’t get me started.

I know I’m a freak. But after all these years, the Beatles are still my number one. I love classic rock, light rock, Christian music, blues, I’ve even been talked into some country. But from the very beginning, the songs, the imagery, and the sheer cool factor of the Lads from Liverpool is what I believe every artist since has aspired to attain.

Sure, I have my favorites, but there’s literally not one Beatles song I dislike. I’m even a huge fan of their post-Beatle solo work. It comes down to this. If it has the names John, Paul, George or Ringo attached to it, I’m interested. I’ve listened, studied, collected, and bloviated about Beatles since Kindergarten. They got a hold of me early, and they never let go.

Yes. I may have a genetic malfunction.

It seems I’m simply a Beatles-promoting, Beatles-writing, Beatles Channel listening, hopeless case. I love music, and I love history, so for me, they’re the perfect blend. The songs makes me happy. And they’re just fun!

So I embrace it! It’s my hope and prayer for a world in which Beatle people and Non Beatle people alike can Come Together, Live and Let Die and Give Peace a Chance.

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