What Are You Thinking?

You may have a lot on your mind. You may wish you could share it. You may have a desire to write. But you may think, “I have no idea what I’m doing.”

Think again. Do you want to write? Do it. So you’re not a pro at it. Nobody starts out that way. Don’t know what to write about?

What are you thinking?

Write whatever is on your mind. What are you struggling with? What do you dream about? What’s your opinion on a controversial topic?

You’ve got thoughts. Jot them down.

The more you do it, the better you’ll get. It’s like anything else. You just need practice. Exercise that muscle and watch it grow.

You’ll need a place to keep your work. A blog is a great place to do that. If you don’t have one, start one with Word Press or Medium. In the mean time you can learn all about how to manage and maintain your blog, as well as learning writing techniques and tips from people like Jerry Jenkins.

Make it a point to write something every day. Make a goal of 500 words a day. It sounds like a lot. It is, if you never write. But once you start, it will gradually become a very attainable goal.

The key is you just have to sit down, turn off the tv and get started!

Once you get rolling and get some material under your belt, you can look back at some of your early work and see your progress. And yes, you will see progress!

You will come to love writing, and it will become a part of your life. It will become a habit you can’t shake. You won’t feel right until you do it. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment, and as you begin to receive accolades for your work, you’ll gain confidence. And with good reason! You’re actually a pretty good writer!

Just tell us what you’re thinking.