I don’t know if my car is considered a “smart” car, but at the very least it’s quite keen.
My 2018 Toyota Corolla is a rental, and I’m going to hate to give it back.
When I get too close to the outer or center line, it beeps at me and shows a little video game on the screen. It shows where I am in relation to the center of the lane until I correct it. So far I have the high score.
Then, using the cruise control on I-20, I noticed if I got to within 40 yards of the car in front of me, the cruise shuts off and slows me down! If I signal and change to the passing lane, it magically adjusts back to my original speed.
But… if I change lanes WITHOUT signaling, back comes the beep and the video game on the screen, but this time with a descending “you lose” sound effect. “Wa Wa Wa WAAAAAH”.
Fascinated by this new technology, I went home to tell My Lovely Wife and Life Partner Lois. As I got out of the car, a red warning light flashed on the screen and a voice came over the speakers in a British accent.
“Your fly… is down”.