Top 5 New iPhone Features

The new iPhones are amazing. Remember when phones were only used to call people? Of course not. You’re much too young to remember. 🙂

But perhaps you recall when phones were only for calling and texting. Then we added cameras, internet, and games. Now we use our phones for practically everything. We’re even making up stuff to do with our phones.

Hard to believe, but Apple has actually raised the bar once again with even more conveniences and benefits. We think you’ll agree, we’ve come a long way, baby.

And so we bring you:

The Top 5 Features of the New iPhone:

#5 – Swipe left: Cowboys win.
#4 – Swipe right: Cable news networks talk nice.
#3 – Camera: Teleports you to Disney World.
#2 – Face ID: Works even with Botox.
#1 – Siri: Puts the kids to bed and folds the laundry.

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