It’s Easy For Me

It’s easy for me to put myself first.
to love my stuff.
to defend my motives.
to be critical of others.
to get my feelings hurt.
to be discourteous.
to rationalize my bad habits.
to highlight others’ sins.
to be lazy.
to give advice.
to hoard my time.
to keep my money.
to look good for others.
to take my family for granted.
to cut corners when nobody is looking.
to feel entitled.
to pray in times of crisis.

But God, in His infinite love, wisdom, and perfection, knew me before I was born. He knew how I would be. And I meant so much to Him, He couldn’t stand the thought of being without me.

So He sent Jesus to earth to take the punishment I deserved so I could live forever. It must’ve been excruciatingly painful for Him.

But He made it easy for me.